The taught curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum programmes of study at Key Stages 3 and 4 and is timetabled using a 50-period, two-week cycle.
Ofsted (2023) described our curriculum as "ambitious and engaging"
Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9)
Students study the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, French or Spanish, German or Russian, History, Geography, Religious Education, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Computing as well as Life Studies (a programme which delivers personal, social, health, citizenship, enterprise and careers education).
Students in year 7 will study either French or Spanish and either German or Russian. Parents will be given the option to state their preferences when they have been allocated a place at Woodbridge. The availability of this choice will depend on there being roughly equal numbers for both languages. Students are usually expected to continue with one of the languages that they have been studying at their primary school.
All students make a guided choice beginning of year 9: they either continue with both their languages, potentially leading to GCSEs in two languages in year 11, or opt to replace one of their languages with another course. Courses currently offered include Art, Design Technology, Business, Computer Science, Drama, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Catering, Music and Information Technologies.
Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)
All students study the core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science (Combined or Triple GCSE), PE and Life Studies. Students usually continue with the choice they made for year 9, and have three further choices to make from a wide range of subjects, including Media Studies, Sociology, Psychology, Art, Design Technology, Business, Computer Science, Drama, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Catering, Music and Information Technologies. The study of a Modern Foreign Language and either Geography or History to GCSE is compulsory for the majority of students and will form two of their three choices. Most students will go on to gain 9 or 10 GCSEs. Some students will study fewer subjects and will be given support through our Study Support programme.
Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form)
The Key Stage 5 curriculum caters for learners of all abilities. We offer the Sixth Form Foundation Course for those students who need longer to prepare for advanced level study, as well as Vocational & Technical Qualification (VTQ) courses and traditional A-levels. Full details of the range of A level courses can be found on the school website. There is also a Sixth Form Enrichment programme as well as the Woodbridge Edge programme that enables students to develop a wide range of skills.
Religious Education (RE)
We believe that RE makes a significant contribution to the personal development of young people. Key Stage 3 students have discreet RE lessons and Key Stage 4 students study RE as part of the Life Studies programme. Parents do have the statutory right to withdraw their children from Religious Education. However, the scheme of learning has been constructed in the hope that parents will rarely, if ever, wish to exercise their right of withdrawal. Parents with concerns are encouraged to discuss these with the Head of RE initially.
Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)
This is an important part of our curriculum. It is delivered through the Life Studies programme to years 7-11 and through the form period and enrichment programme to years 12-13. Full details of the RSHE curriculum can be obtained by clicking HERE.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Many extra-curricular clubs and activities are available to our students as part of our Beyond Excellence extra-curricular programme. These include orchestras, choirs, sports clubs, lunchtime sessions on the all-weather pitch as well as revision and drop-in sessions to assist with coursework.